Book List

Reading Resources


ESV Study Bible
CSB Study Bible


Barrett – None Greater
Behe – Darwin’s Black Box
Beeke – Reformed Systematic Theology
Calvin – Institutes of the Christian Religion (Vol. 1 & 2)
Carson – Divine Sovereignty & Human Responsibility
Wellum– Systematic Theology
Johnson – Darwin on Trial
Keller – The Reason For God
Luther – Bondage of the Will
Murray – Redemption Accomplished & Applied
Packer – Evangelism & the Sovereignty of God
Packer – Knowing God
Pink – Attributes of God
Piper – Desiring God
Piper – Providence
Schreiner – Salvation
Sproul – Holiness of God
Stott – The Cross of Christ


Adams – Talking About Race
Alcorn – Money, Possessions & Eternity
Bridges – Trusting God Even When Life Hurts
Bunyan – Pilgrim’s Progress
James – Digital Liturgies
Lane & Tripp – How People Change
Leeman – Authority
Lloyd-Jones – Spiritual Depression
Pearcey/Thaxton – The Soul of Science
Piper – Desiring God
Piper – Don’t Waste Your Life
Piper – Future Grace
Ryle – Holiness
Tozer – Knowledge of the Holy
Tozer – The Pursuit Of God
Vroegop – Dark Clouds Deep Mercy
Whitney – Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life


Anyabwile – What Is A Healthy Church Member?
Dever – Nine Marks Of A Healthy Church
Dever – What Is A Healthy Church?
Deyoung – What is the Mission of the Church?
Duncan – Does God Care About How We Worship?
Hensen & Leeman – Rediscover Church
Leeman – One Assembly
Jamieson – Going Public


Kruger – Parenting with HopeLindvall – Read Aloud Bible Stories (Vol. 1-4)
Kostengerger – God, Marriage, and Family
McKracken – Wisdom Pyramid
Murray – Divorce
Scott – Exemplary Husband
Stanton – Why Marriage Matters
Stiles – 17 Things My Kids Taught Me About God
Tripp – Parenting
Vos – Child’s Story Bible


Anderson – To the Golden Shore
Bainton – Here I Stand
Bolt – Bavinck
Bunyan – Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners
Dallimore – Spurgeon
Elliott – Chance to Die
Foxe – Foxe’s Book of Martyrs
Horton – Calvin on the Christian Life
Markwald – Katharina Von Bora: A Reformation Life
Marsden – Jonathan Edwards: A Life
Muller – Autobiography of George Mueller
Murray – Forgotten Spurgeon
Murray – Jonathan Edwards: A New Biography
Nichols – R.C. Sproul
Piper – Hidden Smile of God
Piper – Legacy of Sovereign Joy
Piper – 21 Sovereign Servants of Joy
Poe – Becoming C.S. Lewis (Vol. 1-3)
Ryle – Five English Reformers
Ryken – J.I. Packer
Spurgeon – C.H. Spurgeon, Autobiography (Vol. 1-2)


Bennett – Valley of Vision
Carson – For the Love of God (Vol. 1-2)
Gibson – Be Thou My Vision
Keller – New City Catechism Devotional
Johnstone – Operation World
Michael – Praying for the Next Generation
Spurgeon – Beside Still Waters
Spurgeon – Faith’s Check Book
Spurgeon – Morning and Evening