Men's Ministry

Ministry Details
STEADFAST (men 55+): Led by DJ Gribben in Room E305. This is a men’s Bible study class primarily for ages 55 and up, but it is open to men of any age. To aid in the study of scripture, the class uses a topical study guide published quarterly by LifeWay.
MEN’S MINISTRY THURSDAY MORNING FELLOWSHIP: Join us for a drop-in fellowship time on Thursday mornings. Offering a light breakfast, coffee, a short devotional and a time to talk with other Christian brothers and pray. Whether you are retired or still working a 40+ hour job, this fellowship is for you. We have a “core group” made up of mature Christian men willing to mentor those who seek it.
Doors open at 7 a.m. for coffee and conversation, breakfast is served at 7:30 followed by a devotional and prayer. Men may leave for work at anytime, very casual, and we conclude no later than 8:30 a.m. Just text Jan Nelson at 703-431-9157 the day before so we might prepare a meal for you. There are no expectations of continued participation. If the LORD prompts you, just join us for fellowship. We hope you can make it this Thursday.
MEN’S DISCIPLESHIP JOURNEY: A study of systematic theology, simply stated, is knowing why you believe what you believe. We will be reading and discussing Wayne Grudem’s book on “Bible Doctrine.” The study will begin again in February.
Please consider spending time together discussing biblical doctrines and central truths of our faith. The book “Bible Doctrine” will be provided prior to our first session and a few of the topics to be studied include sin, the atonement, resurrection and ascension, justification and adoption, and sanctification. Reading assignments are required for each session in preparation for the discussions. This study is scheduled for eleven sessions meeting on the 2nd Saturday of each month through November. Come and join us as we gather to study the Word of God and meditate on the Gospel – the good news of what God has done in Christ through the cross by grace to give eternal hope to those who have faith in Him!
MEN’S SATURDAY ACTS BIBLE STUDY: Join us the first and third Saturdays of every month as we study the book of Acts. We meet from 7:30-9:45 a.m.
ANNUAL CHILI COOK OFF: Join us on Saturday, March 1 at 6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall! In addition to the great fellowship and good food, attendees are encouraged to donate to the Craig Sweeney Missions Fund to support HBC members as they venture forth to be the hands and feet of Christ in the mission field. Sign up via the Midweek or at the Resource Table in the lobby. Contact Jan Nelson at 703-431-9157 with questions.