Frequently Asked Questions
What is your Sunday School like?
We offer Sunday School classes for all ages. We gather at 9 a.m. Sundays to consider God’s word and how it impacts our lives. (For a list of our Sunday School classes, click here). Following these classes, we enjoy a time of fellowship and snacks before the start of our worship at 10:30 a.m.
What are your worship services like?
At 10:30 a.m. on Sundays, about 300 people gather for our weekly worship service where we seek to honor our God through praise, prayer, and the preaching of His Word. The music we sing is a blend of rich songs sung by generations and new heartfelt hymns and choruses. Whatever the style of song, we desire for it to be theologically true and passionately sung. The proclamation of the Word of God is the central focus of our time of worship. Whatever text is being preached, it is always approached with the Bible’s main message in mind: God saves sinners through the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ.
What’s available for my children?
Our screened nursery staff provides a nurturing and well-supervised program for your infant or toddler through age 4. Children of kindergarten age through third grade are invited to attend Children’s Worship, which begins right before the message (our ushers can direct you). Of course, you are more than welcome to keep your children with you during our time of worship. In case there is need, you will also find a cry room in the back left-hand corner of our auditorium.
What should I wear?
The attire is as diverse as our multi-generational congregation. You will find folks in jeans and suits.
Do you meet during the week?
We have several Community Groups and other small groups (click here) which meet throughout the area.
Where should I park?
We have a large parking lot behind the church, as well as a gravel lot at the far right corner. On Sundays, you can also park at Progressive Automotive across the street and the real estate office next door.